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nuts on the beach.

July 6 2003 at 9:22 PM

Response to Nuts in tents...


I think i'm a coconut. They get washed on beaches, don't they?

I'v never been campng, or anything else like that. I go night fishing on Chesil beach. Stoves come in usefull to heat up snacks, so i usually bring my M1950. The last week, my M1950 started leaking, so i had to take a Primus 71. And believe it or not, the tiny stove worked without refilling thorough 12 hours of fishing (not continuasly burning of course).
Maybe i'v allways underestimated the little petrolburner.

Anyways, i'd like to do some camping or backpacking, but i don't really get the oppertunaty.

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