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RM picnic stove - some advice please

June 17 2003 at 2:06 PM
ken b 

I have just aquired a RM picnic stove, 7/8 th pint.
I always like to get the stoves going, but unfortunatley the burner hole is too big and consequently there is a massive flame, which is mainly orange, but not sooty yellow.

I also have a manaslu 96,and all the burner parts are amazingly similar, [except the connection with the tank!] To fix the stove I was wondering if:

1] Somewhere there is a spare jet nipple.
2] The manaslu is interchangable with the RM, and I could buy one from the stockist [Mike]
3] There is another remedy only the experts know about.Some of you guys work magic
Thank you

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Dan B

Re: RM picnic stove - some advice please

June 17 2003, 8:16 PM 

I'm not sure but, probably will a Optimus nozzle
Part.no 2500 fit, it's for the 00,1&5 stoves and others. Maybe someone on this forum can verify this, before you buy a new one.

Randall Nelson

Manaslu and RM jet interchange

June 18 2003, 5:26 PM 

While I was fooling around with my Manaslu 96 (take a look at the thread below a bit), I actually installed a different jet from my parts bin (was a jet from a Radius 21) in the Manaslu and lit it.

I don't recall any issues putting it in or taking the jet out but was careful and hand threaded the different jet until I was sure there was no thread issue. Anyway, the new jet plugged like the Manaslu jet did so I knew flux was still in the new stove burner head and needed to be cleaned out...what all this means is that probably a Manaslu jet should fit into your RM. I have several RM stoves and interchange jets all the time from the Primus and Radius parts supply but haven't specifically moved one from the Manaslu to the RM and vice versa.

My two cents for what it's worth.
Randall Nelson

Ed Winskill


June 18 2003, 5:49 PM 

Why would there be material in a new burner that would require these efforts? I've thought about buying a Manaslu; quality sounds high, but to my entirely non-mechanical self, this seems like an odd problem for a newly-manufactured stove.



June 18 2003, 6:27 PM 

The stuff inside the burner is probably flux.

If you try to weld 2 bits of metal together, the heat will cause a layer of oxide to appear on the surface, and that oxide layer stops the metals bonding. Flux is a powder that is applied to the metal, before or during the welding process, which stops that oxidisation ocurring, making a good joint.

A brass burner is made by brazing bits of metal together, and there would be some flux left inside.



June 18 2003, 9:13 PM 

I have to agree with Ed. I've never had anything like this happen with any new stoves I've bought (admittedly, only a few). If this is really flux, then they should clean it out before selling the stove -- it's a quality control issue.

ken b


June 24 2003, 8:35 AM 

Thanks Randall, the RM works like a dream, now that I have put the Manaslu nozzle on it. All I need now is a new Manaslu nozzle.

Randall Nelson


June 25 2003, 5:11 AM 

Ken...glad that works...my British stoves including the RM's all work really well but I seem to have a fondness for the Burmos touring stoves..bullet proof so far.

Re the exchange of jets, if you are in the States, you can order a new jet from A&H in the LA area. It would be the same one as the Optimus 00 and they have had those in stock.

If you are in the UK then Mike is the obvious choice. You could put the new one in the RM and have the Manaslu back up to snuff.
Randall Nelson

ken b

ordered a jet

June 25 2003, 8:22 AM 

I ordered one last night.

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