Hi Friends, Bought this one long time ago to restore, but time is running by so fast, I would like to give it in good hands, if allowed here to offer. The cast Iron frame says Auto 89 Optimus Biel Could it mean Biel Bienne in Switzerland?
@dumbo9999 WOW an amazing example and very generous offer. *Membership is aware to varying degrees shipping cast iron is a concern. Local pickup would be if deal, IF ideal situ were to happen we'll like to know if you are nearer to Cologne?, Hamburg?, Dresden?, Munich? or Mitteldeutschland? (FYI: If I lived within 3 hrs of you, given this opportunity, I would GO directly. No doubt MANY members could drive to you or arrange local pickup/meetup). This is just awesome and makes for a very early Christmas for one lucky fellow stovie *EG Heartbreak
I think that some German member will be happy to help... (If no German volunteers, I will pay postage to Finland (if postage is below 100 eur) ) BTW: VERY nice cast iron frame and stoves!
@OMC this is marked “Auto 89 Optimus Biel” while the others in the gallery “Auto-Optimus Bienne-Suisse”… Clearly Bienne/Biel is the same city. Nicola
Additionally, the graphic on the wood box shows a stove with left roarer and right silent (lipstick style bell). This example has two Juwel 7 burners, but not with UFO cap as supposed, but with also commonly found Primus 4 size caps with 3 rows of holes. Nicola
thx all, nicola road trip? lol Silents: no kiddin, you're seeing 2 juwel burners, i was wonderin bout that. did not look standard (i thought optimus has rare burner that looks like that also?)
I would be all over this but I am overseas. Great opportunity to someone local to get this nice collector piece.
@OMC I am pretty sure are Juwel burners, I have different of them and also those caps… if the stove has been found in Switzerland/Germany is highly possible that the stove has been equipped with Juwel burners as replacements. Nicola
Hello Dumbo9999, Würzburg would be 150km from me, my problem at moment ist my right hand is broken 3-times, so no driving car possible the next 4 weeks.... If you find no one, write me a PM. Best wishes from Möttingen in "Nördlinger Ries" Markus(RJ)
@Russenjesus Hello, I think that shipping is more convenient than driving 300KM back and forth… also cost wise Nicola
@Russenjesus I agree, but if the stove is dismantled and layered with foam it’s pretty safe to be shipped. In the end are 4 nuts that keep the structure all together. Shipped as it is is a 90% chance to break the joints Nicola