Last week i scored a Optimus 8r from ebay, the description from the seller states that it is a 8r, when it arrived earlier in the week, on the case lid there is a round decal indicating model number, when i inspected the stove i noticed on the underside of the case lid directly under the decal the number 8 with out the letter r, i am not quite certain if this stove is a 8 or 8r, but i have a theory of the model which i will mention at the end of the thread. There will much more detailed pictures added to the reference gallery later when i have fettled and cleaned the stove, at present i am not sure where to post it in the ref gallery, in the 8 or 8r section Here is the decal stating the model number, No 8r with automatic cleaning device. Here on the underside of the tank lid the just the number 8 is embossed which is directly under the decal. Here is a pic of the older style PRV which can be serviced by the owner with out having to adjust to the correct pressure, the tank is electro plaited which is a feature i really like on this stove, as i have wanted some stoves that are electro plaited. Another feature i like about this stove is the flatter solid control knob, which all so states close and clean, the burner does contain a cleaner needle fitted to the burner. My conclusion as mentioned earlier in the thread, is this is the first version of the 8r when the model 8 was discontinued, and they used the case on these first 8r's from the surplus stock they had left from the model 8. I will most likely re paint the stove case, as there is surface rust and and loose paint but i will keep the decal as it part of the history of the stove and if my conclusion/theory is correct it tells the story that this is one of the actual first of the series of the 8r. Kind regards Brian
@snwcmpr @presscall @Knee Thanks fellows for your comments and input, i am now convinced that this version is one of the first that came off the production line when the 8r was first marketed, using up the remaining stock of the cases from the N0 8. A very similar theory when RM introduced there first gassy the RM Rambler on here has the nick name the missing link, the tanks on them are very similar to a standard 1 pint pressure stove and i remember there was a mention on here a good while back using the tanks for a i pint stove for there new RM Rambler
@mr optimus I suggest, too, that this stove is an early Optimus 8R in an Optimus 8 tin. I hazard a guess at about 1959. The sticker on the top of the tin is a great part of the history of these stoves, so I wish you well in its preservation. The filler cap is correct for the period of late No. 8. Is it also nickel? Tony
@Tony Press Thank you very much Tony for you valued information, i agree tony the decal/sticker is a very valued part of the stove's history i will do everything possible to preserve it
@mr optimus Lovely early 8R, 'crossover' models of anything are always interesting! My favourite 8R era with the thin red control wheel. Your stove to do with whatever you wish, but it looks to have a large amount of paint left on it in good condition, given it is an unusual example another option could be some conservation of the original finish. Anyway a great find, you'll have it roaring away in no time!
Good Evening Chris, i have been seriously debating whether to conserve the original paint or repaint, it is good to keep everything as original as possible, but on the side of the case where the control spindle passes through a large amount of the paint had flaked off, and on the under side of the case there was quite a bit of rust which had blistered the paint, and all so the bracket that holds the spanner that was spot welded to the inside of the case lid has become detached a good while back as surface rust has appeared, which i have to reattach and have to prep that before repairing, so i decided overall was to repaint. Another reason for the decision the tank and filler cap PRV is plaited and surprisingly in good condition which don't have a nice aged patina like brass can develop, so it wont really show its age. Today i have removed most of all the paint from the outside ready for painting, but am being so very care full not to damage in any way the decal that shows the model number 8r which is in this case a vital part of the stoves crossover history. Many thanks Chris for the valued and wise suggestion, if there was not so much paint loss on the side of the case and the bracket being detached i would have just removed any rust with jenolite and kept the original paint finish. Brian
Evening Brian, a completely understandable approach as it was obviously worse than the photos here suggested. It can be a difficult decision to make sometimes, can't it! I'm sure you'll do a smart job as usual to compliment that nice tank finish. I only hope you have somewhere nice and warm to work, brrrr!