I acquired this "King of Stoves" Svea 16 b/c it was unique to anything in my collection with it's: *Larger body style *Silent burner *"Remote" NRV I don't know how old it is but it cleaned up nice and with new seals and pump leather it runs like a champ. I used a MSR pump leather mated with a brass finish washer to give it the right diameter and shape. Snug but smooth with good compression. Yes, yes.... this is my stove and pics...novel huh??? Thanks CCS for the sage advice! -MT
Sweet, MT! So, yours looks a *lot* like my slightly newer unfettled Svea 16 that I featured in your other post. If I have it right, then it is more youthful than Doc's version or the other 16 that I have as yours looks to have the "sedate lettering" as opposed to the "hippie lettering" on the font. The trivets on yours and mine look to be identical, except yours is way nicer. Based on the lettering style and the external NRV, I'd guess the decade of the 1920's for your stove. But, I could be off and I am certainly open to correction on that dating. Enjoy! Cheers, Gary
Hey, MT, Outstanding, Sir!! Well done, and thanks for sharing your new stove!! Come to the OSG, and we'll take a SVEA #16 family photo! Take care, and God Bless! Every Good Wish, Doc (who's proud of Ya'!)
RE: Svea 16: I recently sourced the identical stove for $10.00 at a thrift market, likely previous owner found it in one of the old mining regions of Oregon. But, most interesting to me is the use of the MSR pump gasket to rebuild the pump mechanism. I applaud your innovation! I also attempting to rejuvenate my stove's pump mechanism. Any other advice you'd care to share on doing this such as MSR part number, washer number, or anything you'd care to share, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks-NOLAND, Bend, Oregon