Here is a page from a 1937 Primus catalogue showing a Primus No. 531 furnace. It’s not quite the same configuration as yours, @Andrew Withington. Can you show the 531T stamping and the stove’s date stamp, please? [1.1.1937 Primus Keittiölaitteiden ja juotinlamppujen lue..., s. 55] Cheers Tony
Thanks Tony, this is all a bit new to me, where do I find the date stamp please? Pic of model number to follow
@Andrew Withington The date stamp will be on the stove itself. It will either be one or two letters in the circle where the Primus manufacture is stamped or in a small circle with two letters (and possibly two number). A photo would be good. [1911 (A) PRIMUS 702 WITH LONDON No 2 PLUMBERS FURNACE] [1926 Primus No.702] There should also be a model number on the brass tank itself. Tony
Cheers mate, thank you very muchAny idea what it’s worth? Looking to sell. It has $41.45 AUD new price written under tank. Looks like it’s only been used once or twice, the second time when I fired it up 20 odd years ago