Primus Gour-mate Deluxe 2 Burners Propane Stove (1970s) Questions

Discussion in 'Fettling Forum' started by BobBreton, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. BobBreton Canada

    Aug 23, 2018

    My father had this stove for camping and fishing in the 70s and I just found it while cleaning the garage. Looks in pretty good shape and I would like to use it for camping trips with the kids. Before I do I'd like to make it's safe so I have a few questions:

    Model is:
    Primus Gour-mate Deluxe 2 Burners Propane Stove 2384

    Pic01.jpg Pic02.jpg Pic03.jpg Pic04.jpg Pic05.jpg Pic06.jpg Pic07.jpg Pic08.jpg Pic09.jpg

    1- I'd like to make sure the connections are ok underneath the burners, but there are no screws anywhere on the stove. In order to see under the white painted plate I need to remove the burners but they are not moving at all when I try to unscrew them by hand. Seems like they are either stuck or welded. I have not tried using a lot of force to remove them as I don't want to break it. Any idea how I can remove them without ruining the stove. should I just try harder until it unscrews or is there another to remove them?

    2- The hose will probably need replacement as it seems a bit dryed out. So are the washers on the regulator valve and connector. Contacted Primus and don't carry parts for this stove anymore. I was thinking about going to a propane store and getting a replacement but looks like the connectors for the propane tank are different now. I'd like to be able to use it with 1 lbs tank and 5 lbs tank. Which connector should I get for this purpose?

    Thanks alot for your helps guys,

    P.S. English is not my native language so sorry for the typos and if I'm not clear enough let me know. I can send more pictures as well if needed.
  2. J-F United States

    Sep 5, 2018
    Montreal, Qc
    I recently purchased one like yours and it needed quite a lot of work. As you can see, I had to repaint it! Like you I wasn't able to unscrew the burners. What I did is drill out the burners brackets spot welds (you can see the traces of the welds underneath the stove). Then, I heated up the burner tubes and sprinkle some automatic transmission fluid while it was hot... Finally they came out after heating them a few times. If you do so, be careful not to direct the flame on the white plate as it is not painted, it's enamel (glass). To grab the burners I used Channellock oil filter pliers and I used some rag to hold the tube on the other side. After, I scrubbed the rust out of the burners through the tiny holes, put them in phosphoric acid (to remove the remaining rust) and then treating them with canola oil and baking them, to provide anti rust coating, just like an old style cast iron skillet.

    To put back the brackets together, I could have used pop rivets, but I just used screws and loctite as I had some already.

    For your hose, I looks like you have an adapter to use on old primus gas bottles, you may just remove it and use it directly on Coleman propane bottles. If you want to use it on 5lb propane tank, Canadian tire sells an adapter for 9,99$.

    You might need to replace the o ring on the other side of the hose (the one that goes into the stove). I do not know what size it is. For my other Primus propane stove, I tried different o ring sizes until it did not leak anymore.

    Hope this helps, I you have any questions, just let me know!
    Sorry, my English might not be so good... (My french is better)


  3. Simes

    Simes R.I.P.

    Jul 26, 2004
    I'm on the way....
    Welcome to CCS @J-F Nothing wrong with your advice there at all.
  4. ROBBO55

    ROBBO55 Subscriber

    Oct 27, 2014
    Somersby, New South Wales, Australia
    @BobBreton , @J-F
    Welcome to CCS

    J-F , Your stove has cleaned up nicely. Good job. :clap:
  5. J-F United States

    Sep 5, 2018
    Montreal, Qc
    Thank you! It had about a quarter of an inch thick of old grease inside... And enven a Laurentide beer cap stuck in the gunk!
  6. NV 200 Canada

    Dec 30, 2018
    I will comunicate in french with J-F just to make sure my question is clear. If not permitted, please let me know and I will translate.
    Bonjour J-F, J'au aussi un Primus Gour - Mate qui est dans la famille depuis toujours, que je désire mettre au gout du jour. Tu sembles l'avoir peinturé au vaporisateur.
    L'avez-vous peinturé avec le plateau émaillé en place.
    Après l'avoir ouvert, avez-vous remarqué la bonne façon de retirer les bruleurs pour retirer le plateau émailé?
    Est-ce que tu as retiré le plateau émaillé de la partie inférieure? Vous semblez l'expliquer en anglais plus haut mais s'il vous était possible de l'expliquer en français, ceci me permettrait de ne pas rester avec des pièces dans mes mains. ;)
    Est-ce que la penture piano retenant le couvercle s'est bien remise en place?
    Avez-vous facilement réinstallé les supports du coté? Ne l'ayant pas encore ouvert, j'ignore avec qu'elle genre de pentures ils sont retenus.

    Merci bcp de l'information.​
  7. J-F United States

    Sep 5, 2018
    Montreal, Qc
    Pour le repeindre, je l'ai démonté au grand complet, le plateau émaillé enlevé et les côtés coupe-vent aussi. Pour démonter, il suffit de dévisser les brûleurs (anti-horaire) et une fois enlevés, le plateau émaillé est libre. Les coupe-vent de côté sont retenus par deux broches. Ils s'enlèvent et se remettent facilement. Pour la penture piano, j'ai soigneusement percé pour retirer les rivets. J'ai mis des rivets neufs au ré-assemblage. J'ai dû me procurer un boyau neuf car il t avait une fuite de gaz. Ceci dit, dans mon cas, pour dévisser les brûleurs, il m'a fallu percer les soudures par point des supports de brûleurs pour enlever le plateau car les brûleurs étaient saisis. Une fois percés, l'ensemble plateau émaillé-brûleurs-supports et tubes d'alimentation a pu être libéré. J'ai dû chauffer au chalumeau les tubes d'alimentation plusieurs fois et utiliser une pince channellock pour filtres à huile pour tenir les brûleurs. Tu peux essayer du pl-100 ou du wd-40 et laisser reposer un bon moment (1 semaine) et essayer de dévisser les brûleurs. C'est facile de faire éclater l'émail au chalumeau alors il faut faire gaffe en chauffant. Enfin, si vous arrivez à enlever les brûleurs sans perçage, ce sera beaucoup plus facile! Pour vous faciliter la tâche, il existe des outils pour ouvrir les pots avec un contour caoutchouté, ainsi, vous aurez plus de poigne sur les brûleurs. Pour la peinture, je vous conseille d'utiliser un bon primer avant. J'ai utilisé de la peinture en aérosol avec primer en une seule étape et ça ne tient pas très bien.
    J'espère que ces quelques lignes vous seront utiles!
    Bonne journée!
  8. NV 200 Canada

    Dec 30, 2018
    Ils sont effectivement bien collés. Allons essayé le wd-40. La paille du vapo passe sous le bruleur. Espérant que c'est l'endroit ou il se dévisse. Sinon, le wd-40 va couler sur la pièce verticale de toute facon et peut-etre se rendre au bon endroit.

    Merci pour l'info.
  9. shagratork

    shagratork United Kingdom Moderator, R.I.P. Subscriber

    Aug 9, 2005
    Durham, N.E. England
    @NV 200 @J-F

    CCS is an English language website.
    In future, use English.
  10. alnl1996

    Nov 6, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    A friend of mine gifted this same stove and I accidentally found out that the “Outbound” branded propane replacement regulator works perfect. Now I can use 1Lb canisters.

    Attached Files:

  11. stongey United States

    Sep 30, 2024
    @alnl1996 : Thanks so much for this accidental discovery! I have been searching for years for a solution to get my parent's old Gour-Mate back up and running since the rubber hose appears cracked and seems unsafe. Ran out and bought the regulator immediately then I registered on this forum just to be able to thank you!
    So excited to get the stove out in the woods again. I have never been happy with the level of control of my modern Colemans. Always thought that the Primus had great simmer control. Hopefully my memory is accurate. I did have to twist the regulator so that the cylinder would be towards the back of the stove rather than towards the front, since the coupling is on the left of the stove, rather than on the right as it is with (many? most?) other stoves.
    Thanks again!