Hi, everyone, Next Radius aquired - cought on auction. All parts original, in a very good general shape. The shape of the " Shooting Star " logo and burner inscription suggest that it comes from early 20th. Trivet was sold together with stove, it is hard to say if it is original. On the burner there is stamped letter "D" The rest is as follows: Functioning well: I simply like it! It is a serious candidate to go with me to Białowieża forest this year. Thanks for watching. CU
It's not possible to date these accurately, as you know, the shooting star tank logo and 'A.B. Radius' rather than 'Radius Ltd' terminology make it pre 1938. Looking at what scanty catalogue evidence there is, the S:or model was not present in 1920, but was there by 1925. The filler caps in the 1920 catalogue are also the large eared type (sometimes termed 'Mickey mouse' here), but are the same as yours by 1925. Also, cast iron pan rings/trivets are the norm in 1920 but have been replaced by the distinctive Radius pressed steel design by 1925, although cast replacements are still listed in the catalogue. So your stove can be no older than after the 1920 catalogue was published, the type was certainly in existence by 1925, and can be no later than 1938. The cast pan ring is unlikely to be original as the pressed steel type seems contemporary with the stove. Also, there are cast pan rings surviving with 'Radius' cast into them, though whether all Radius stoves used these is not known. Either way, the stove looks fantastic! All the usual Radius hallmarks of quality. It's just asking to go with you on your trip!
@Blackdog Thank you for your post. I know, that the date 1938 is quite sure and after your post the other date - 1925 - is sure as the earliest day of production as well. Pity, that Radius didn't introduced precise system of dating ( like Primus). What concerns cast iron trivet, it is hard to say even roughly if it is contemporary with the stove. BTW - this stove has several competitirs to became my fellow on trip to Białowieza forest
Good evening @Stanisław Grajewski very nice well made stove every thing about Radius stove just screams quality, well done on a great score
I'd say the stove is from the early 1920s - the leg profile is subtly different from the later ones. The trivet is a standard Optimus from before 1930 or so. Peter
Hi Stanislaw. Beautifully preserved stove. Of course, take it to Bialowieza. I would love to see it in action while cooking.
@abbahco1 Thanks for your post. Nobody but you pointed on the meaning of shape of the legs. Stanisław
I'm struggling to see much difference over different examples in the reference gallery and catalogue, is it in how kinked/splayed out the legs are between tank and feet?
Hi Stanislaw! That's just because I'm an obsessive, who has observed the domestic models (the prototypes and most important ones, in my opinion - certainly the manufacturers thought so!). Yes, leg profiles changes subtly over the years. The top curve and also the slightly greater length of the foot are the clues here. Radius followed Primus' example quite closely. in these early '20s stoves the joint between the filler tube and the tank is above the surface (Primus did it for just five years: 1924-1929). Radius copied this around the same time. So, just tiny features, but I'd say that yours is 1923-25. Peter
It's a subtle difference: obvious only when you've examined a lot of them in direct comparison (as I've done for many years). You'd have to be a bit crazy to notice, but it's a guide. Peter
PS: the catalogues rarely show precise details and are often not in exact synch with the actual produced models. You really have to examine a bunch of the stoves to become aware of the fine differences that can help reveal an exact chronology. Made much easier in the case of Primus by the date stamps underneath (and later on the riser tube). Peter
Fantastic clarification Peter, it all helps the collective knowledge, thanks! Yes agree catalogues need to be treated with caution! But there certainly seem to be some big differences between 1920 and 25.