The unusual steel trivet/pan-ring makes this stove very interesting; it is a mix of steel pressing and fabrication.
Hi Steve You are lucky to find the trivet, in what looks like a good condition, also like the thumbnail setting for your pictures. Started to get " scrollers cramp " on some members posts, as I dont bother to read them these days. Very nice Ian
Hi Steve, a lovely Radius stove. I too like these fabricated trivets: Best Regards, Kerophile.
Thanks Iani for the advice on Thumbnails. You are right; this a a better way to post multiple pictures. Thanks. Thanks George, It was your post and help from Iani that led me to the date probabilty. Steve.
Count me in too as a fan of those Radius trivets Radius 17 (with a patina) This on on an Ajanta (India) follows that pattern somewhat Ajanta Thumbnails are a great feature, but one after the other excludes captions or commentary. Course, I've probably lost Iani to 'scroller's cramp' by then anyway ... John
Hi John, Yes, the same trivet and a very similar pressed/fabricated construction one from India. The Radius is the first one that I personally have come across, but then I am a new boy in this game. However, what never fails to amaze me is the help that we can get from the "elder statesmen" fellow members . Take care mate, look forward to seeing you again - Steve.
Shed-man Thanks for posting these photos. I too am very impressed with your topside pan ring. I like how that looks especially with the Radius Logo of the shooting star. I think I would like to hope the Stove angles may bring me a good and proper english Radius stove my way. I like that chunky pan ring so different. Impressive stove indeed.
The tank and fittings of the stove is marked AB RADIUS. This mark was used up to around 1938/1940 Later stoves were marked "Radius Ltd". This particular stove is likely pre-1938/40 Kerophile.