Picked up this Svea #16 this weekend. This is my first external NRV, but what really caught my eye was the branded cap seal. it's unfortunate that I'll have to destroy it to make the stove operational again.
Hi, you can save it for the memory. Boil the cap for a little time in water, the seal will soften for some time, so you can remove it without destroying it Your 16 is from middle-late 1930s, when the only models with external nrv whwre 15 and 16. Nicola
Good suggestion. you don't think the boiling will remove the lettering? I guess it's worth a try as burning it out will definitely remove the lettering! Late 30's was what I was estimating. Only missing part is the flame spreader which I'm hoping I can borrow from another stove. Also the pump leather had disintegrated. Now the age old debate: to polish or not to polish.
The even patina suggests not to polish, just rub the surface with a cotton cloth and some wd40 to reduce the green spots. Wash the stove before with dish soap only and with a non abrasive sponge. Nicola
Got the old seal out but I had to boil for over 5 minutes, plus let it soak in hot water for an additional 15 minutes, before it got soft enough to remove without tearing it. Thanks for that tip!