Here is the italian statement in italian language - usate petroli americani - ( use american petrol) And here - Atlantic Splendor -
Hi @Stefrox , welcome to CCS. You have an interesting stove, missing a few parts. It was made by the Swedish Company Sievert ( Svea), but was likely marketed by a Fuel supply Company in Italy. This is a kerosene only stove and must never be fuelled with petrol or Gasoline! I think it dates from the 1920s/early 1930s and is earlier than this Svea No. 15: Best Regards, Kerophile.
One very very interesting new variant to add to the Svea No.15 list! There have been Svea 15s with retailer's marks added to the filler cap or in the form of soldered on cartouches, but this is the first with a completely customised tank top to surface! The combination of design and font features would appear to suggest late-1920s or early 1930s, but why this customisation? Was 'Atlantic Splendor' a trade or company name? I wonder about whoever set up the press dies too; what did they mean by "petroli americani"? - surely it should have said "petrolio americani" - American paraffin; these stoves definitely never used petrol! So was 'Atlantic Splendor' a brand of kerosene? Nice stove Ian.
Hi, I think it likely that the reference to Atlantic Splendor was related to the Atlantic Petroleum Co. of the USA: Atlantic Petroleum - Wikipedia Best Regards, Kerophile.