According the the catalogues in the reference section the SVEA No.15 was effectively manufactured as a cost reduced version of the SVEA No.5, utilising thinner plate. However, this then begs the question of why bother with a nickel plated version (which I couldn't see referenced in any of the English language versions of the catalogues) as this was typically a more expensive option? Does anyone know when SVEA changed their tagline from "The Best Stoves in the World" as appears on this stove to "The King of Stoves" that appears on later stoves? Cheers, Graham.
Don't know about taglines or why they would use nickel plating on a less expensive version of a stove, but WHAT A BEAUTIFUL STOVE. HJ
Beautiful stove is right! A very good question regarding the motto, I'd like to know that myself. Is the pump knob bakelite? it original? I've not seen a Swedish stove with a pump handle that didn't match the fount before.
Hi Matt, I'm not sure if the pump knob is bakerlite or some early form of plastic but I lean towards the former. I also initially wondered whether it was original but looking at nickel plated versions of the SVEA 5 in that section of the gallery shows the same knob. Cheers, Graham.