Very similar to the Tilley Go-stove except this is the up-market version having the benefit of a pan-ring "for added stability" (it says here). For some reason, probably only known to Tilley, the pan-ring has been engineered to have a slight downhill slope away from the valve so your pan or kettle won't be horizontal. Like the Go-stove, it uses the Tilley disposable cartridges which have a snap-on base ring, again for stability.
Hi David Could it be so that when the pan boils over, you are with a chance of reaching the valve without being scalded by a boiling waterfall? Ian
I thought about that, Ian, particularly with respect to a boiling kettle. But it would depend, in the first place, on you putting the kettle on the stove with the spout facing away from the valve. And then I thought the natural reaction to anything boiling over, be it kettle or pan, would be to simply lift it off the stove and then turn the valve. No mention of the slope in the instructions or on the box, either. Knowing Tilley, if it was a safety feature, I'm sure they'd be trumpeting it as 'an innovation in stove design'...
HI - I’ve just purchased a Tilley Cozystove on ebay and waiting for it to arrive (it’s the model in the green box, there seem to be some in red boxes - don’t know if there is a difference?). Do you know what modern gas cartridge is best fitting? I think its an EN417 fitting - but which UK make is best?
One that approxiates best to the size of the original. There’s a Parasene brand one that’s about right I think.
Thanks, the one I bought doesn’t have the original (this picture was just as an example). There are various sizes of Parasene - do you know what size in grams? Thanks