This was a gift from a friend that I do a lot of fettling for. Tilley stuff doesn't turn up much here in the Midwest, so I always enjoy when one comes into the shop. Other than seals and a pump cup I did nothing to it. Fired right up and runs like a champ. I don't know anything on dating these, so those that do are welcome to share for others. I left the heavy patina for now as I'm not a fan of shiney brass.
@Toby Garner If it does not have a date stamp under the tank, it will be 1954 to late 1956. The tank may have been speculum plated if there is no sign of paint. Cheers Tony
Thank you all for the kind words. Altho not a major stovie, I am happy to add it to the collection. @Tony Press thank you.. No date stamp, and no obvious signs of paint. I'll have to study up on speculum.
In the second photo, where you're priming it, is there spirit cup, or is there some other method? EDIT: Never mind, I enlarged the photo, and I can see the priming clamp, or whatever it's called.
Willis and Bates, makers of Bialaddin and Vapalux lanterns, produced a version of their priming cup to fit a Tilley vapouriser, which is slimmer than the W&B product. I lined a W&B priming cup with a tube of a bore to suit the Tilley vapouriser on my CS56. Bialaddin lantern vapouriser on the left, alongside a CS56 vapouriser.
@Toby Garner Speculum, which gives a finish like chrome or nickel, was used by Tilley for many years. It has various chemical configurations, and was often used for mirrors and optical reflectors. Cheers Tony