Tilley Trio

Discussion in 'Tilley' started by Robert Radcliffe, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. Robert Radcliffe

    Robert Radcliffe Italy SotM Winner Subscriber

    Mar 19, 2019
    Stockport UK
    Having been impressed by the Tilley Titan that I recently acquired I was attracted by the more compact form of this Tilley Trio.

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    It still retains the feature that drew me to the Titan, the grill, (meaning toast) and in this stove there is a useful pot support above the grill. The one burner could make me my tea and toast at the same time!

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    Whilst perhaps a fried breakfast on the other burner...

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    The stove uses the same simple screw on valve, as the Titan, to attach to a Camping Gaz bottle. The hose attaches to the valve with a reverse thread - which I can imagine might confuse some first time users, especially if the instructions have been burnt by the previous owner.

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    The stove is in almost unused condition and is boxed. It would appear it was first supplied from a dealer not far from me in Oldham.

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    Definitely one for Newark this year.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024