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does coleman fuel go off?

April 13 2003 at 9:22 PM

Response to Re: Optimus 8R on unleaded


I have tried the hunter with 95 unleaded gasoline /petrol and it was amazing, if not sooty.
Pure Coleman fuel was tried, but the flame after about 5 mins from priming was pathetic, and I got to 20 mins without any signs of the pan boiling.
I tried 25% petrol, 75% Coleman fuel, this produces a good flame which does not get out of control, smell or soot.
I went back to the shop to ask about the fuel and found out that the fuel had been in the shop, probably for four years, hence the title of the message. Thanks for all the help, chaps.

 Respond to this message   

  • Coleman fuel - Ed Winskill on Apr 14, 2003, 5:09 PM
  • Parafin for 8R Hunter - New 8R on Apr 19, 2003, 2:57 AM
    1. It won't - Ed Winskill on Apr 20, 2003, 12:50 AM
    2. Petrol and kerosene - Handi Albert on Apr 20, 2003, 10:11 AM
    3. It will mix - Handi Albert on Apr 20, 2003, 10:37 AM