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August 4 2003 at 10:09 AM


Today i'v been to the local car boot sale, and there i found an optimus hiker and a hipolito No00. but unfortunatly i didn't have enough money to buy them.

I did get an RM picnic stove tyhough, which is mint with prickets, and even the RM tag.

i think it's their version of the 210. It's not date stamped, and has aluminium feet and a bacalite pump handle.

Any idea of it's age, or any other info about it???

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  • wierd... - adibrook on Aug 4, 2003, 4:33 PM
    1. Badge engineering - Bryan on Aug 4, 2003, 6:21 PM
    2. brazing - adibrook on Aug 4, 2003, 7:00 PM